11/26/2006The Re-Imaging of ChristJohn 14:1-6
3/4/2007Spiritual Warfare, Plain & Simple1 Corinthians 15:12-23
3/11/2007The Sinister Nature of Secret SinsPsalm 90:8; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
5/20/2007Three Things to RememberRomas 2:1-16
6/17/2007Biblical Instructions On Being A FatherEphesians 5:22-33
6/24/2007Life's IntersectionActs 17:29-31
7/1/2007The BaitEphesians 6:11; 1 Peter 5:8-9
7/8/2007The Day of ApostasyLuke 18:1-8; 2 Timothy 3:1-5
7/15/2007Hope For the HopelessJohn 4:6-18;Luke7:11-15;John11:21-28
7/22/2007The Just for the Unjust1 Corinthians 15:1-11
7/29/2007The Sequence of the Resurrection1 Corinthians 15:20-28; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
8/26/2007Our Christian Fragrance2 Corinthians 2:14-17, Isaiah 55:11
9/2/2007The Value of Hiding God's Word in your HeartPsalm 119
9/9/2007He That Restraineth2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
9/16/2007Eight Things God Wants Us To DoJude 20-23
9/23/2007An Immovable KingdomHebrews 12:25-29
9/30/2007Shattering Earthly NotionsLuke 16:19-31
10/7/2007Realities in HeavenJohn 14:1-3
10/14/2007The Man in the Camel's Hair ClothesMatthew 3:1-12
10/21/2007Life's Most Crucial QuestionMark 10:17-27
10/28/2007Designed For DiscipleshipColossians 2:9-17
11/4/2007What the Kingdom of Heaven is LikeMatthew 25:14-30
11/18/2007Courting the Bride of Christ1 Corinthians 2:9-13
11/25/2007The Secularization of the Church2 Corinthians 7:1;1 Peter 1:15
12/2/2007Five "Musts" in ScriptureHebrews 11:6
12/23/2007How Do You Turn the World Upside Down?Acts 17:1-9
12/30/2007Drifting Away1 Corinthians 10:1-12
1/6/2008What You Can Rely UponEphesians 2:19-22
1/20/2008Human Life: How Man Perverts The IssueGenesis 2:7,9:1; Jeremiah 1:5
1/27/2008Changing ClothesColossians 3:1-10
2/3/2008The Judgment Seat of Christ2 Corinthian 5:10
2/10/2008That We Might Know1 Corinthians 2:12
2/17/2008The Mountaintop AttackMatthew 4:1-11
2/24/2008Confronting the CultureActs 17:1-9
3/2/2008Blessed is the ManPsalm 1:1-6
3/16/2008Glory In The ChurchEphesians 3:20-21
3/23/2008What the Resurrection AccomplishedRomans 5:1-2
3/30/2008The Exaltation of Jesus ChristPhilippians 2:5-11
4/6/2008The Awful Acid of AnxietyMatthew 6:25-33
4/13/2008Three Basic ThingsActs 26:18-24
4/27/2008Doing What We SayJohn 5:14,8:11;10:10
5/4/2008The Bible's Most Important QuestionMatthew 27:15-22
5/11/2008The Keeper of the HomeTitus 2:1-5
5/18/2008The Most Important Commandment in the BibleMark 12:28-31
5/25/2008The Bible's Most Important VerseJohn 3:16
6/6/2008The Most Important Moment in Your LifeActs 9:1-6
6/15/2008On Being a FatherLuke 15:11-32
6/20/2008God's Work "In" YouPhilippians 1:6
6/22/2008The Most Important Task in the BibleLuke 19:1-10
6/5/2009A Disoriented NationPsalm 33:12
6/14/2009Confrontation With EvilMark 5:1-20
7/19/2009Being Dead To SinColossians 3:1-4; 1 Samuel 15:32
11/8/2009The Order of Salvation EventsJohn 6:44-48
12/6/2009One NanosecondPhilippians 1:23
1/17/2010Remember the Camel & the NeedleMark 10:23-27
1/24/2010Human Life and a Degenerating SocietyIsaiah 49:5, Jeremiah 1:5
2/7/2010Confused, Convoluted Christianity2 Timothy 4:1-4
2/14/2010The Power of Creature ComfortsLuke 18:18-27
3/14/2010Thrice Delivered2 Corinthians 1:8-11
4/4/2010What the World Says About the ResurrectionMatthew 28:1-10
4/11/2010What Makes a Powerful ChristianJohn 1:9-12
4/18/2010What If?1 Timothy 2:5
7/11/2010Who Is Jesus To YouJohn 6:48
7/25/2010Taking Heaven For GrantedRevelation 21:10-27
7/27/2010Losing Our Moral BearingsProverbs 3:5-6;6:27;14:12
8/1/2010The Age of Itching EarsProverbs 30:5,12; 2 Timothy 4:1-4
9/5/2010The Centrality of the CrossJohn 12:24-25
9/19/2010Satan's Goal1 Peter 5:7-9
11/21/2010Sin's Sinister SlideRomans 1:21-23
11/28/2010Sin's Sinister Slide, Part 2Romans 1:24-32
6/27/2010Free INDEED! 2010 Patriotic Extravaganza
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